- A hope you have about the kind of outcome you want.
- A dream you have about the way it'll feel when you work with a vendor in my category.
- An expectation you have that's not yet been met by vendors you've talked to so far.
You’re getting married with your closest family and friends at this venue in this season. You shared some insights about why you chose this venue and/or how you came to find my brand. Now I'm going to reflect those back to you to remind you and let you know I was listening.
Now I'm going to summarize the biggest, most important thing you want from your overall wedding experience. To make that happen, you need a vendor in my category to:
about your services that's as long as this sentence.
"An incredible, transformative quote"
Share what style you use and how it matches what they're looking for. 1-2 sentences for 25-30 words at 8th-grade reading level.
Tell them what your number one value is as a company and how they'll benefit from it. 1-2 sentences for 25-30 words at 8th-grade reading level.
Make sure you share another benefit statement about how easy it is to work with you. 1-2 sentences for 25-30 words at 8th-grade reading level.
Describe the benefits in this package and how they're a pain killer/vitamin. Make the biggest package sound the best.
Describe the benefits in this package and how they're a pain killer/vitamin. Make the middle package still sound appealing.
Accussat leo intendis id lius murrnur non quo modi'ab s modi vitium/aetatis. Eros dui arripio orandum massa leo ipsa. Eros dui arripio orandum massa leo ipsa.
Make this one a bit longer than the first one, and focus the message that's conveyed to reassure your value and why you're worth the expense.
"Another amazing testimonial from a past client."
If you have a sixth that is impactful, don't leave it out. This last one is optional. If you don't need it, you can shift the other two over.
Just don't forget to check the mobile and remove any extra space afterwards as there will be some if you do remove this last feature - benefit. Keep all 5 or 6 the same length when possible to keep everything visually sound.
While the body copy in these sections is really important, don't neglect the headline. 80% of readers will skim when they read your copy. But don't give up hope of getting them to read everything.
You're much more likely to get those skimmers' eyes to stop searching and start reading if you can grab their attention with a solid headline. So put some time into crafting great 2-3 word “Feature | Benefit" headers on these sections.
Five is a good number of benefit bombs to drop into the proposal. It'll really help convey your value to all the decision-makers, including those who are just joining the process with the proposal.
You probably have more than five benefits to working with you. We recommend writing up 5-10 of these statements and putting in the five that matter most to the clients. Look to their priorities and problems for which ones.
When we work with our copywriting clients, we call these “perfect solutions." They're what you do well that others in your competitive/comparable set of vendors don't do as well as you.
Essentially, these are the biggest reasons to work with you over another vendor in your category.
Many couples don't know how you help them reach their goals. When you list out the features in your packages, it's not easy to translate what they get from it. These six “benefit bombs" will tie the features you offer with the benefits they receive.
Keep the paragraphs small, sentences short, and word choice simple. The total length of each section should be about 50-75 words total - no longer than this section.
When you're listing out your feature-benefit connections, always start with the biggest benefit first. Then work down the list to the second most important benefit to working with you.
Readers have a very short attention span. If they're skimmers, you want to ensure they see the biggest benefits before moving on.
REMIND THEM ABOUT YOUR "WHY" | Offer a quick little intro about why you do what you do - and how that passion and commitment will support them getting what they want from you.
Use this area to explain why you decided to showcase this particular gallery. Connect the images to something your client mentioned during your initial conversation. Use this area to explain why you decided to showcase this particular gallery. Connect the images to something your client mentioned during your initial conversation.
Use this area to explain why you decided to showcase this particular gallery. Connect the images to something your client mentioned during your initial conversation.Use this area to explain why you decided to showcase this particular gallery. Connect the images to something your client mentioned during your initial conversation.
If you're doing it right, you should already have a call scheduled with them to review the proposal. Remind them of the date and time here.
Also tell them to write down questions. Be sure to request others' questions too, and even ask for others to attend the next meeting. Let them know when they're ready to move forward you'll send out an agreement (not a “contract") and X amount for the deposit.